Shallow Bugs

It has been said that given enough pairs of eyes, all bugs are shallow. What this means is that any bug can be easy to find if the right person is looking at it. I want to present a brief analysis of why this might be true, but first an example.

Back when I was working with Asterisk, I needed to have a fine grain of control over writes and reads to wav files. It became apparent very quickly when I started working on the features I was asked to implement that something was wrong. It didn't take me too terribly long poking around inside the code and figure out what was going on. One problem was that the flags were not being set correctly for appending to the end of the file. Another was that the header was not always getting corrected before the file was closed. The first problem was fixed promptly (merged into the Asterisk code base). I don't know what happened with the second.

So why is it that a few hundred thousand people were using Asterisk, and no one was even aware (as far as I know) of the problem? The thing about software, as you should know, is that it grows exponentially complex. Imagine a decently large program between 10,000 and 100,000 lines. Think how many conditional branches are in that code. Trying to exercise every line of code, and error conditions especially, is an incredible task. With programs such as Asterisk, you also have a lot of I/O and timing issues on top of that. But this doesn't even begin to describe the magnitude of the problem. To truly test your code, you must exercise, not every line, but every path through the source. You must put your program in all possible states and see how it behaves. Adding one more conditional branch to your program can double the complexity. This is where the exponential part comes in.

Most programs work under normal every day use. Even without rigorous testing, the programmer can easily verify that the code works basically in the way intended. It's when the code is subjected to extreme situations, such as under heavy load, with low memory available, and asked to do uncommon tasks that it fails. This is because the code can be extremely difficult to test in these corner cases. It might be difficult to test because there are just so many features. Or the state machines are just incredibly complicated. Or it's hard to simulate a low-memory, heavily-loaded machine. Or perhaps the programmer just didn't think (or didn't have time) to test that portion of the code.

Consider my task with Asterisk. I was using a very specific feature in the file I/O portion of Asterisk which probably isn't used often or at all. There is special code for half a dozen different file types and half a dozen different codecs in Asterisk. Even with so many people using Asterisk, it may have only been me and maybe a few other people who had ever really needed this feature to work. In my case it was imperative that it work correctly. I highly focused my efforts on this feature to ensure that it was working. In effect, I became a unit test(er).

Under normal circumstances, the programmer does not critically examine every bit of code. He might test a few basic cases to convince himself it works. Thus, it's not until someone like me comes along who needs that obscure feature, that the problem is discovered. I am doing, what ideally, it was th programmer's (or QAs) job to do. But if you think about it, this process of bug elimination is effective. If no one is using that code, how much does it matter if it's broken? When I needed it to work, I found the problem immediately. My focus was that feature, not the main program.

That is why bugs are shallow. A popular program will effectively have an army of unit testers. Many will use only the standard features. But a decent number will need to utilize the more esoteric capabilities. It's their focus on the edge cases that makes bugs, which seem difficult to track down for others, easy. They are testing exactly the feature they need, whereas someone else may only be testing it accidentally and on rare occasions and in the wrong way, from the wrong perspective.
