Should You Learn C?You Probably ShouldThis is one of those questions that's been floating about for seemingly forever. It has the power to ignite a flame war on any relevant forum almost instantly. But really the question is whether or not you should learn languages that are close to the machine level even if you never intend to use them. And this leads into which order should you learn them in. So I'm going discuss, not answer, these questions instead. There are a few advantages to knowing C well. In some rare circumstances, you do actually need to write code that compiles to a program that runs quickly. Usually you would want to do this in C or assembly. However, I personally wouldn't touch assembly until all other options had been exhausted. And even then, I wouldn't write more than a few pages of it. C is like sleeping in a tent with a thin piece of plastic between you and the bumpy ground beneath.* There's hardly anything between you and the ground. By morning you're intimately familiar with the dirt beneath you. You know exactly where all the hard spots and bumps are. A language like Python or Ruby is like sleeping on a thousand dollar mattress in a luxury home, sitting where the bumpy ground was before it was excavated. In the first case, you have no choice but to learn about the machine. In the second case, you're living in a fantasy world that has no real bearing on the true environment. Sometimes it really helps to know what's beneath. Other times it probably doesn't matter. However, it might be difficult to know then it does matter if you've never had to take the real, physical hardware limits into consideration. So that's another argument in favor of low level languages. The obvious reason to learn C is if you're going to write an OS or a module or a device driver. You absolutely can't do those things in Python. (Go ahead, try.) So you see, the essence of C can never go away. No matter how fast computers become and no matter how much memory is available, there will always be problems that require more speed than is available. And even if compilers and interpreters were to become so smart that they could generate code as efficient as C or assembly, they don't grant you access to the hardware (at least none that I've seen). C Is Not DifficultC is actually not nearly as complicated as some other languages. Even though you can start programming in Python almost immediately, it has a lot of crazy features, as do most high level scripting languages. Take for example map, lambda, list comprehensions, meta classes, and decorators. C has only the basics -- functions, loops, conditionals, and type declarations. You don't have to worry about concepts like objects, first class procedures, or byte codes. Honestly, the only hurdle in learning C that I can think of is pointers. Everything else was completely straight forward. And pointers aren't as hard to learn as some people think. Although everyone might not be able to understand them, I think anyone who can do some basic (not the language) programming, has the ability to fully comprehend and make use of pointers. The trouble is that many students may learn of pointers for the first time in a class. This is dangerous. Classes often tend to move fast with only minimal repetition. You need repetition. Anyone who's ever been in graduate school and worked with difficult material for months at a time understands this principle. If you only work a few homework sets and you don't understand the concept, you can become permanently afraid of the material. If you study it at your own leisure for months, almost anything can become easy. Let me give you some brief history about my experience (because everyone enjoys showing off). Sometime around the end of 7th grade, I picked up a dummies book on programming in C from the library. I don't recall any of the material being too confusing, but, unfortunately, I didn't make it very far due to a serious injury and the lack of a compiler. My next attempt was in 9th grade. I was luck at this point, that I had already learned basic and had written a number of substantial programs. I worked my way through a several hundred page book. The only parts that stick out in my mind now are quicksort and pointers with respect to trees and lists. Those were the only subjects in the book that really caused me frustration (although quicksort wasn't actually explained). I must have spent a number of hours going over the list/tree code trying to understand pointers and pointers to pointers. I even wrote a program where I had to implement lists, but I still didn't feel like I fully understood. It wasn't until a substitute covered pointers in my 10th grade Pascal class that it finally clicked. I didn't write a lot of code between then graduating high school (at least not in C). Unlike some of you, I actually was busy in high school. But when I was working at the JHUAPL the summer after school, I found that I had absolutely no problems at all with pointers or dynamic memory allocation. At some point it just sunk in. If I had only seen pointers, lists, and trees that one time in Pascal, my head surely would have exploded. Ok, so what should you do if your head exploded because you had a difficult subject forced down your throat unwillingly? I would set a side a few days, and study some code with heavy pointer usage. Study lists and trees. Study dynamic memory allocation. Study arrays and pointers. Implement your own data structures with pointers. Make sure to use pointers to pointers. Read the C FAQ. Study assembly. Learn about different addressing modes. Implement a linked list in assembly. Every computer engineer should understand pointers whether they know C or not. If you've studied and understood anything about low level architecture, pointers should be easy. When to Learn WhatMy opinion on this is you should start with the lowest level languages first and work your way up. But everyone's different. Most schools now-a-days will start with something like Java or Python. The reasoning is that we should teach concepts. Having to deal with things like memory management and null characters just gets in the way of learning. The issue I have with this is 1) handling memory is an issue. Ok maybe it's not an issue if you live in a mansion and own an expensive mattress. But if you sleep in a tent, you still have to worry about these things. And 2) it's hard to understand why many features exist in high level languages without first doing things the hard way in low level languages. As an easy example, take i++. Why would we do that? Because it's a lot easier than typing i = i + 1, and it lets you express some operations very succinctly, such as *a++ = *b++. That one's sort of obvious, but there are better examples. How about conditionals and loops? The first several times you had to handle complex if statements in assembly, you probably had to do some thinking. And you probably did it a little different each time. And I bet it took several tries to get it right. Wouldn't it be easier if we just had a standard way of doing if, if/else, if/elseif/else, and switch? You can tell very quickly in any language higher than assembly which control structure to use. What you don't realize is why it's so important unless you've ever had to do it in assembly. If the first language you ever learned was Java, you may not have even known that objects have to be freed. It's really great that Java and Lisp and Python handle all this stuff for you. But if you never had to do it yourself, there's a serious gap in your understanding. You really understand why garbage collection is so wonderful if you've ever forgotten to free some memory on an error condition or in a loop. (I wonder why my little program is sucking up 400 MB of memory??) Or perhaps you spent three hours tracking down a bug that tried to free already freed memory. Or maybe you just got sick of having to worry about how to allocate memory every time you needed to write a function that does something useful. Then garbage collection would really mean something to you. Isn't it wonderful that you can so easily return anything you want in Python? You can return objects, lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Really these are all just objects that get created at the time of return. But you can't do this in C. Your options are either to return a pointer to a struct or a built-in data type, like an integer or float. If you want to return multiple items at once, you have to create a temporary special structure, populate it, and return a pointer to it. The other option is to pass the address of the item you wish to return and modify it in the function which is kind of ugly, but it works. The point being that you just wouldn't know why Python tries to make moving data in out of functions so darn easy. Have you ever thought about what happens when you invoke a function? Did you know the compiler is handling all kinds of nasty stuff like setting up the stack frame, placing arguments on the stack, and putting the return value on the stack or in a register. If you didn't know a little assembly, you wouldn't be able to understand any of that. You would have no idea where that memory is coming from when you use a variable length array or any local variables on the stack. I bet you take for granted the fact that you can pass around any object as a generic object and plop down objects of various types into a list. The best you can do in C is create an array or list of void pointers. And even then you still need some way of keeping track of the types. You see? There's all this stuff going on underneath that no one thinks about. Ruby has this wonderful feature that treats instance variables as functions of the same name. Suppose you wrote 50,000 lines of code that access foo 300 times in 92 different files. Then you add a constraint that requires foo to have a value of at least 5. Now you have to go and add some error checking code every place you used foo. Yuck! Fortunately, in Ruby all you have to do is redefine the attribute reader such that it does the check. Ruby will execute the attribute reader, which has the same name as foo, every time you access foo. So you only have to add the code in once place. This little bit of indirection has just saved us a lot of work. In Java and other OO languages, you would typically use getter/setter or accessor/mutator functions. But often programmers neglect to use them because they're so much extra work and they bloat the code (and all those function calls sure seem expensive). Usually it doesn't seem like they're necessary. But then after you've written 5 months worth of code, you realize you're going to have to through and add getter/setter methods. Ruby doesn't allow you to make this mistake? It's even more of a pain in C. If you want getter/setter methods, you'll have to add pointers to functions in structs. And who the heck does that? You'll probably just go through and fix the code everywhere it's needed. That's what I would have done. But if you had started with Ruby, would you understand just how much power you've been given? Would you know how to make good use of it? It just seems to me that it's really hard to properly use advanced features without using the basic ones first. You have to do things wrong for a bit before you can understand the right way. A Word About C++Every once in a while someone will try to instigate a little war by posting the merits of C++ to comp.lang.c (and that also goes for vi in comp.lang.emacs). I've never been too big a fan of C++. I also haven't used it very much, and I would agree that it seems to have some useful advanced features (which I haven't used either). However, if you know C and Java, I just can't think of good reason to learn C++. It's like a low level language trying to be a high level language. But the trouble is, instead of getting the low level machine level access and speed in combination with OOP, what you really get is a language that's easy to shoot yourself in the foot with and has been made ten times more complex. In other words, my experience was that it feels more like the worst of both worlds instead of the best of both worlds. The first time I did anything significant with C++, I made heavy use of operator overloading. It seemed great, but then I ran into endless problems with ambiguous statements due to the overloading. Some of the problems seemed arbitrary and inconsistent; I never could figure what the compiler was doing. I also found that pointer problems were problematic because there were more places for them to hide. It's easier to get yourself into trouble when the language becomes more complex. Here's my analysis. In most cases if you really need the speed, you can just use C. You can write C code in an object oriented manner; it just takes some work. No, you won't get all the advanced features of C++, but how often do you really need them? Is it worth the extra complexity you have to deal with? If you really need OO code, go to Java. In the few cases, where you really, really need OO and speed, then I might choose C++. WAIT! There's one more thing. Have you ever heard of the 90/10 rule? It applies to many areas of life. When coding, it says that 90% of the code runs 10% of the time and vice-versa. But I would guess that it's more like 99.999/.001 for many applications. What that means is if you really need speed, you only need to worry about a tiny little bit of code. Most high level languages make it very easy to interface with C. It's the best of both worlds. Write most of the application in say, Python. Then write the critical part in C! Do you still feel you really need to know C++? If it were me, I wouldn't want to deal with the hassle of pointers and memory management when writing a large application. If I had to use them, I would probably go with C because it's just so much simpler. *Assembly would be sleeping directly on the ground. But your clothes are still on. |