Matlab for Real Time ApplicationsCongratulations! You researched all the best algorithms, picked the most appropriate one, and even got it working in matlab. Now, how are you going to get it running in real time? Code it up in C and try to get it running on your DSP? No! You can pray all you want. If you've done anything worth doing, it's not going to work the first time, the second time, or even the 327th time. The first thing you want do is build a mex file that can be run from matlab. Now, you could just recode the matlab simulation in C, but this won't be very productive since you'll just have to rewrite the code for real time. Instead, write the code so it can be run from both matlab and on your real time processor. To give you an idea of how it should be done, take a look at the matlab driver below. function out=testAGC(in) BUFFER_COUNT=160; s=size(in); clear mex; out=zeros(s(1),1); for k=BUFFER_COUNT:BUFFER_COUNT:s(1) out(k-BUFFER_COUNT+1:k)=agc(in(k-BUFFER_COUNT+1:k,:)); end clear mex; This script takes an input vector and runs the mex function agc on it one frame at a time. The clear mex statements are just to make sure the file is reinitialized each time the experitment is performed. AGC stands for Automatic Gain Control, which is the example I'll use from here on. The code must operate on only a single (of just a fractions of a second) buffer at a time. Any differences between the matlab code and the real time version can be dealt with using conditional compilation. Alternatively you may be able to just link in separate files; although, I have not tried this. Let's take a look at the algorithm. (See the explanation.) void AGC(int *in, int *out) { int i; float mag=0; for(i=0; i<BUFSIZE; i++) mag += abs(in[i]); if(mag>250*BUFSIZE) { for(i=0; i<BUFSIZE; i++) out[i] = (int)(in[i]/(mag/500000)); } else { for(i=0; i<BUFSIZE; i++) out[i] = 0; } } This simple example sums up the magnitudes in the buffer and divides by the constant scaled sum. If the sum of magnitudes is too small there is not much signal; so, just set the output to zero. The rest of the file is below. By using some defines, it is easy to switch between platforms. Instead of a DSP, I'm using Asterisk as my real time system. The Asterisk code is not shown here. (See agc.c) The routine, mexFunction, which is surrounded by a precompilation define, takes the input frame and converts it to an integer array. This is used as input to the agc function above. The output of agc then has to be converted back to double precision and stored in a matlab vector. The Asterisk code is surrounded by a similar define and can call the very same agc function. Thus, once you verify the code in matlab (which should be relatively easy), there will be little or no need to rewrite code. It should work in most environments as long as you use standard libraries. Once you get your algorithm working in both environments, any changes you make will usually only have to be made once. | ||
#define matlab 0 #define asterisk 1 #define platform matlab #define BUFSIZE 160 void init(); void AGC(int *in, int *out); #if platform==matlab #include "mex.h" void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { static int start=0; double *inDBL, *outDBL; int i,in[BUFSIZE],out[BUFSIZE]; mxArray *o; if(start==0) { start++; init(); }//happens only first frame inDBL=mxGetPr(prhs[0]); o=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(BUFSIZE,1,mxREAL); outDBL=mxGetPr(o); for(i=0; i<mxGetM(prhs[0]); i++) in[i]=(int)inDBL[i]; AGC(in,out); for(i=0; i<BUFSIZE; i++) outDBL[i]=out[i]; if(nlhs>0) plhs[0]=o; else mxDestroyArray(o); } #endif void init() { /* initialization here */ } | ||
In this very simple example, it's hard to see why conditional compilation might be necessary. But consider what happens when you need to use optimized code that is specific to your platform. Consider this snippet from my work: | ||
#if SYSTEM==MATLAB double *tmp; mxArray *lhs[1], *rhs[1]; rhs[0]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(BUFFER_COUNT*2,1,mxCOMPLEX); for(j=0; j<4*BUFFER_COUNT; j+=2) { *(mxGetPr(rhs[0])+(j>>1))=in[j]; *(mxGetPi(rhs[0])+(j>>1))=in[j+1]; } mexCallMATLAB(1,lhs,1,rhs,"fft"); for(j=0; j<2*BUFFER_COUNT; j++) { scratch2[j<<1]=(float)*(mxGetPr(lhs[0])+j); tmp=mxGetPi(lhs[0]); scratch2[(j<<1)+1]=0; if(tmp!=NULL) scratch2[(j<<1)+1]=(float)*(tmp+j); } mxDestroyArray(lhs[0]); mxDestroyArray(rhs[0]); #elif SYSTEM==C6713 DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(FFTLEN,&in[0],&w[0],scratch2,brev,FFTPOW,0,FFTLEN); #endif | ||
I need to call an fft routine. The matlab and C6713 versions are clearly incompatible. But I can keep the rest of my code the same by using a precompiler condition. Easy. (A word of caution here - When using mxGetPi, make sure you check for NULL. You will save yourself a lot of pain trying to figure out why matlab is crashing since it doesn't allocate the imaginary vector when it's not needed.) |